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    The USC poll might have "correctly" predicted the winner, but they were about as accurate as Monmouth and Surveymonkey. In…
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  • I actually think Harris is the X-factor for another reason: if she drops out, Warren is the principal beneficiary.
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  • People just want life to resume to normal. Honestly, you can't blame them. Whether Biden (or anyone else) can actually…
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  • That's the upper bound of Trump's approval, though. His RCP average is 43% and his 538 average is 41%. The…
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  • It's very hard to be motivated to help those with a stated intention to destroy you and everything you stand…
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  • It's the primaries, so candidates are putting out aggressive and/or fantastical proposals to stand out. That is good tactics. In…
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  • Here are a few ways of thinking about it 1) A lot of professions (e.g. public service ones) trade lower…
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  • For many people, not materially different than the one that Sinclair Lewis wrote about ~100 years ago.
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  • I think the proposals to eliminate private insurance are political suicide. It doesn't matter what the actual content of a…
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  • Honestly, that bubble began to be sealed against us in the early Bush days. It took a while but the…
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  • Generally speaking, party activists are going to get their strongest say this year. There is going to be some wrangling…
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  • So much trouble could be avoided if people just accepted the basic maxim of "Don't be an asshole". Isn't that…
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  • Unless you are an overwhelming favorite, you need to take outlier positions to stand out. Barring that, you need to…
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  • A political stance advocating for abolishing private insurance, however you put it, is not a good idea. A lot of…
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  • The false sense of security was in effect when the French allowed the Germans to remilitarize the Rhineland.
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  • Forgive me for being cynical but I received a DNC mailer the other day. They asked a bunch of push…
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  • I think it's interesting that you illustrated this post with the storming of the Bastille. It makes sense, of course,…
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  • I mean, isn't this just the incumbency advantage? I'm not terribly worried about the primaries at this point, the candidates…
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  • Looks great, Boo. One small suggestion, can you make the main body text black instead of gray? The contrast is…
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  • "For the preventing of those miserable effects, which such malicious endeavors may produce, we have thought good to declare the…
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