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    Well, this is great. George Will and the Washington Post are a distraction, of course. We all know about the…
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  • Nonsense! You contradict yourself right at the beginning. "al-Qaeda" attacked the US Cole, not the Yemenis. And what has been…
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  • Nonsense! What 'plane' flew into building #7?! What 'plane' crashed into the Pentagon leaving virtually no debris? If we keep…
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  • Just as a side note. Tad Devine, Sanders campaign manager, was involved as 'senior strategist' for the Gore campaign in…
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  • And now we are going to elect President a person who is the champion for these same folks. Can we…
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  • Well, there is something to be said about getting it over quickly, isn't there?
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  • One thing we can say about hiring liars is that Obama has exposed the nature of our ruling class. And…
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  • Step out of the traps proactively, Bernie. Take some of those $$$ that we have given you and start organizing…
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  • Well, she signed on to the Iraq War Lie, and a million people died, so she is a fully vetted…
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  • I'm curious where this whole idea of Sanders 'not getting things done' has come from. From the reports I've heard,…
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  • Building the party long term is key. Remember how excited folks got about the '50 State Strategy'? That and Obama's…
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  • Hey AG, I have story about that. Back a number of years ago when many folks caught the direct satellite…
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  • Here is a little video of Clinton speaking to a gathering that I surmise is a NATO get together. (The…
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  • Clinton voted for a war, based on lies which she knew to be lies, that killed a million innocent people.…
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  • I occasionally visit hotair.com to see what is happenning over there. "Allahpundit" is pretty cogent up to a point, but…
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  • Maybe it's because I haven't done TV in a few years, but the little I have seen of his new…
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  • A lot of good observations. Trump's 'appeal' cuts new angles across a lot of different conventional storylines. Speaking of insult…
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  • This is very important. It allows for the understanding that the new time itself is morphing the 'ground underneath our…
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  • I don't know if Canada merits a wall yet, but, could we get a wall around Texas? Those folks come…
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  • It was close to midday, the weather was OK (is that correct?), they got up to cruising altitude and just…
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