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    I've been doing a fair bit of "communing" with the poultry these last few days.  I'll go out and lounge…
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  • Is that a native ferret, or did someone lose a pet?
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  • I don't have a lot of blossoms at the moment, but here's some late Summer color from our place. Female…
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  • Yep, at 5:38pm the dogs suddenly remembered that they were hungry and got up.
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  • They are great ears. The power's just come back on.  Down the hwy from me they were doing some blasting…
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  • The ears have it!
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  • Bruny island is a great place to visit. It's only a forty minutes drive and a twenty-five minute ferry ride…
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  • They grow up so fast . . .
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  • Unfortunately, ibis heads are no where near as pretty as their feathers.
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  • Rocky coast of Bruny Island, Tasmania.
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  • Synchronized suckling (a mere one year and three hundred pounds ago).
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  • Thanks to Bob for reminding me I had this. White Ibis (an ocassional visitor to Tasmania).
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  • I suggest using a level.
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  • FOUR WHOLE HOURS!  W00t! We're supposed to get rain starting tomorrow, and given the current sticky feel to the air,…
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  • It's a fantastic building. Too bad there are fences across the tops of the lawns, or you could somersault all…
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  • Another view.
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  • Busy week. Roof of the Australian Parliament house in Canberra.  The whole roof and shoulders of the building are covered…
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  • Yep, we enjoy being "aunties".  All the fun and none of the hassles.  Plus, the parents are usually grateful for…
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  • An hour and fifty minutes to bike 51 kilometres.  I'm impressed, and yes he ate two extra potatoes with butter…
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  • It's for weather like that that you should get another Newfie, and sled.
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