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    As part of their socialization, we've done lots of hand-feeding (holding out bits of lettuce, or even live flies that…
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  • I just went out to get a last group photo of the ducklings.  Most of them, and all 6 adults,…
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  • I got these glass blocks at the tip shop - to replace our louvered (and unclosing) bathroom window.  They are…
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  • On a bit of recently finished wood floor.
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  • Luna wishes she had snow, and a frisbee (she chews hers).
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  • Are those frisbees?  Or did they make off with some dinner plates? Georgeous dogs.
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  • The duckling that we've named "Boogie Shoes" is still one of our favorites - and one of the half dozen…
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  • Sorry for the overly cutesy title, but the ducklings are just so darn cute when they stretch up tall -…
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  • As the first dog blog fell through the holiday cracks, I've posted a second, with a bonus holiday card by…
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  • The little Squeekers (as we've taken to calling them because of the chorus of high-pitched peeping that starts up whenever…
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  • and I don't countenance any rough or unecessary pecking. Luna wanted to ref, but they've started to peck her nose…
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  • The ducklings are not only getting exponentially larger (the largest, "Boofy Boy," wighed about 2 ounces when he hatched 17…
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  • I love tapirs, and javalinas, and little rotund hoofed things in general.  As far a god's sense of the absured,…
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  • The ducklings insist that they are entitled to extra air time, owing to their extremely high "cute factor."  And who…
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  • Where antipodean dogs sleep on spring/summer days.
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  • Wishes she had some snow. When it gets hot you can see it in her eyes - she saying "Yohoo,…
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  • Higher plane, definitely.
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  • Luna is a "she."  And yes, she's very sweet - loves people, kids especially, and gets along with just about…
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  • of a dog-tired dog. (Who deperately needs a bath!)
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  • Here's Luna, who mere moments ago, crashed out with a heavy sigh in the front hall (where there is barely…
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