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    He was idiot enough to text this one.  It included David Boreanaz as well (both men double timing it with…
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  • You go girl.  I wonder how many men have learned the hard way the dangers of having golf clubs in…
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  • Alaskans really do call leaving the State "going Outside", even if it's only to go as far as that northern…
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  • Woods per se doesn't matter to me.  But two aspects of this brouhaha do. How shamelessly so-called reporters conspire to…
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  • Speaking of 4-H (I was FFA), we have five new ducklings as of a few hours ago.  I suspect there…
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  • Half an hour ahead of Adelade.  Melbourne is in the same time zone as Tasmania.
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  • That would suck.  I hate getting up in the dark.  I think we're fairly in the middle of our time…
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  • Translation: You're all a bunch of Pussies.
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  • Too True. Our greed has screwed us up big time.  If only the middle-of-the-road climate scenarios actually come to pass,…
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  • It certainly wasn't a joy when at 4:50 this am the dogs wanted to go out because it was already…
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  • 9pm and it's only just dusk.
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  • It's probably not fair to mention that's only one pane of an 180 degree arc of glass that over-looks the…
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  • I grew up with a Great Dane who never learned to leave polecats alone.  Do you have any idea how…
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  • I think you should have named "Fluffy", "Grumpy".
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  • Ah, but for the TB's (I think of them that way), the "police" in police state isn't "the boys in…
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  • this needed sharing.
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  • Or, if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Conflict causes stress, no argument there.  But…
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  • Andi's right, it has some good lines for eyes to track through the image (no pun intended).  But you might…
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  • It's probably had something to do with ten kilos I've put on since getting here. Right now local strawberries (mostly…
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  • It's partially a labor of love.  She works of one of our Greens Party's federal senators, who is on her…
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