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    In honor of Molly Ivans I always refer to the Texas Gov. as Rick "Good Hair" Perry, and I think…
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  • So it's not "'til debt do us part".  
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  • I know that position - although usually not from the anchor's perspective.
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  • Please, please, please let them be serious (all the way up to eleven).
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  • Ah, come on. I've been up your way and saw a stunted tree or two.  But given the glory of…
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  • It is a great place to visit in person.  But the shear enormity of the store and the seemingly endless…
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  • Probably a safe bet that we're not going to get any of our kentish cherries either.  All of the orchards…
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  • (Title anyone?)
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  • You might just be too far north.  I could grow really tall and healthy looking banana trees in so. Cal.…
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  • Or perhaps, this one.
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  • OK.  So that's a Pawpaw tree (I had no idea they grew that far north).  And yes, as your link…
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  • I lost two of my last three dogs at what seemed well-before-their-time (eight & seven [both Pyrs, one to a…
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  • Be glad you're not still part of the British Commonwealth.  Priests, both Anglican and Catholic, who got "a reputation" in…
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  • Oh Manny.  Lo siento mucho. At times like this I feel the insanity of taking critters into our homes and…
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  • Oh, how silly you are sometimes.  Killing the infidel menz is not even remotely comparable to controlling and punishing the…
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  • The Age of Wonder by Richard Holmes looks interesting.  But, you know, I'm a big nerd so the intersection of…
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  • Not understanding the reference, but it's pretty. 'Morning all.
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  • Thanks for the reminder (not that I remember the actual day, being only one years old at the time).
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  • Both (see my comments above).  And your 'candy' analogy is very apt (esp since 'Candy' is such a popular porno…
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  • But they are not envisioning themselves as women (white or otherwise).  They're talking about 'real' "bend us over rape" -…
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