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    Just another sign that the apocalypse will be here shortly. The Four Horseman are not Pestilence, War, Famine, and Death…
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  • I'm going to be a little bit cruel along several dimensions: At a point I had no idea of what…
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  • To reiterate JK Simmons' great character in  `Burn After Reading' "What have we learned here?" The obvious on one hand.…
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  • Trump is the epitome of an amoral sales person. He is not without skillZ, or cunning. Rather it's that his…
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  • Non-existent better nature - sorry for the typo
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  • This renders past Republican talking points inoperable. Love the optimism but if I have learned anything about Republicans at all…
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  • These are facts: Trump is only consistent on four things He will always take the racist and misogynist position He…
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  • Well, no. The elected Republicans are uncomfortable knowing that their leader is a foreign agent and their cult is in…
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  • Sessions is the Russian mole. He's been with Trump from the start. He's linked to the Russians beyond the campaign…
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  • As Bogie would say, We didn't believe your story, we believed your twenty million dollars.
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  • The whole world has pretty much lost its mind. We're pushing 40 years on from the nascent nihilism of Reagan-Thatcher…
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  • Whip up a frenzy in Congress so that the base will turn out in November. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don%27t_mourn,_organize!
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  • Trump and his minions were just demonstrating the limitlessness of their commitment to delivery for those who play ball with…
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  • Unfortunately a misplaced optimism in your fellow citizens led to unrealistic assumptions about our country. Party before country, money above…
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  • Democrats need to internalize this - https://www.ted.com/talks/simon_sinek_how_great_leaders_inspire_action/up-next It explains the exact reason why Dukakis, Gore, Kerry, and Hillary or any…
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  • As other commenters have pointed out the Republicans have sold their party, their souls, and their country out for the…
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  • Nice country you had there, too bad you effed it all up. The progression from Reagan to Quayle to Bush…
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  • The Republican establishment (NRA, Trump, the traitors begging for the Russians to not interfere in US elections - for Republican…
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  •  The three Republicans only voted against Haspel because the six Democrats lined up with the Republicans. If the Democrats had…
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  •  Black woman governor in Georgia? I'm fully supportive of her effort but it's only slightly more likely than  a black…
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