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    thanks there's no 'short version' on this story you could try http://wotisitgood4.blogspot.com/2007/03/what-heck-is-sibel-edmonds-case-about.html (i could work with you to get a…
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  • more diligence than your other suggestion 🙂 i've added you to the list, thnx.
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  • thnx oops - forgot to mention, it's in orange too http://www.dailykos.com/story/2007/5/9/72948/02959 i regularly get on the rec list with Sibel…
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  • thnx. glad ya liked it. I should have some more from the inerview next week.
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  • thnx Booman - still no news...
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  • Soj - lovely to see you.  I lost track of you when your site went silent...
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  • thanks for putting up with my monomania!
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  • thnx - and welcome back to the story! hopefully we'll hear more 'when' the hearings are announced.
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  • great work - thanks. let us know how you go.
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  • awesome. thanks for contacting them. we'll be running the campaign thru the rest of this week - and we'll have…
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  • books - i did an interview with scott horton last week outlining sibel's case and the turkish connection. here
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  • thanks for promoting this booman. we've got to get as many people as possible calling waxman and conyers this week…
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  • thanks. i've been posting over at DKOS this week and they finally glommed onto the story! i got 350 tips…
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  • cheers. you might be better on Sunday @ 1pm.  Saturday night is full. I believe there will be more screenings…
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  • thnx. there more youtubes  of her here   http://www.dailykos.com/comments/2006/11/25/4330/6362/21#c21
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  • amended
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  • thanks booman. you are correct - that should be 'from july' - not 'in july' i'm not sure how to…
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