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    Is it on the market yet or are you painting etc?
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  • It's true.   I think some of the blog outrage is just laziness - the subject matter is too hard…
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  • Interestingly, I had a marketing meeting (i.e. drinks) with some local bankers yesterday from a bank that has actually been…
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  • There was a time when I might have agreed with you. I'm past that time.   Let them rail.  It…
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  • shhhhh
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  • Juries are not predictable. So in that sense they are not obedient. And no real life situation is like your…
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  • Well, let's hope you aren't on the jury. Although if you are on the jury, you will be instructed by…
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  • I love old photos. She actually looks pleasant - a lot of those old photos end up with the person…
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  • The ears are an erotic zone ...
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  • Sounds like a best seller.
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  • Your hypothetical was Dick Cheney.  Not someone sympathetic.   See above: The OLC might be a defense for underlings, but…
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  • I read his obituary.  It was nice.   I often run into people who were students of my dad who…
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  • Sounds like a fantastic person.  (boy does mimeograph bring back memories) Is his wife still alive?  She would probably like…
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  • That's sad, sorry to hear it.   What grade and what did he/she teach?
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  • We disagree. I also think you are flat out wrong on this: If a prosecutor declines to prosecute, they're ultimately…
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  • morning.  Pictures of happy ducks?2
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  • It's traditional for my birthday so my mom made it on Sunday and we had a little celebration. I had…
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  • If the law is clear and the evidence is there then the jury SHOULD convict.  The problem with the system…
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  • Sure it exists.  But you didn't write about jury nullification per se.  You wrote as if it is the role…
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  • I'm not generally in favor of congressional immunity.  But in the end I prefer that the truth come out rather…
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