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    I've tried but I find that I can't compose a comment that wouldn't subject me to investigation.
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  • And another thing, I've just spent five minutes looking through that site and I can't find where it says who…
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  • I find the order in which he says things will happen ... interesting.
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  • I'm of an age where I'm no longer required to be Mary Sunshine :_) I realized that last night when…
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  • that's the way to look at it 🙂
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  • spring is coming ...   Yesterday all the redbuds were blooming but it got cold here again last night, down…
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  • Well, aren't they the cutest things?  And soooooo big!  Thanks for the video.
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  • Oh that's funny - where's family man to comment about the appropriateness of the squirrel?
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  • Glad you're feeling better. Don't overdo things today.
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  • Somehow I forgot that I ordered Girl Scout Cookies at work AND at home.  It's a lot of GS cookies…
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  • I was going to reply in astonishment to your earlier comment - because it was light here at just after…
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  • Happy Fourteen!.   Tell him you remember every birth pang. 🙂
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  • I've already read it.  And I'd already read the one you linked to above.   I note that neither of…
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  • the point of my original comment. Let me give you a hint.  Go back and read your  post and your…
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  • Your shorter answer is persuasive but your longer answer isn't. (And your shorter answer is persuasive to me because I've…
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  • I know you don't feel well, so I feel I should cut you some slack ... but I'm just not…
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  • I think those books came out in the seventies after I was too old to read them and after I…
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  • That was really good.  In fact THAT makes me want to read the books.  The musical didn't.
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  • Thank you for sharing ID.  Your mother and your grandmother were lovely women.  
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