Comments Yesterday a new group was created at  Senator Obama, Please Vote Against FISA When he first announced his…
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  • "Stark makes a weak, whining, ineffective call to Limbaugh " "Stark came off as a mewling little child." "Stark comes…
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  • That is a great question...  I do know, however, that Moon is responsible for about 2 billion dollars of conservative…
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  • Alright... if I must explain to you witless imbeciles (I know...  redundant...  but I used it for effect - because…
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  • definitely, excellent, recommend...
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  • I think it provokes thought...  If the heads are influential, then it means peole are listening to them...  If a…
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  • Susan: That sounds great, but is extremely difficult to do.   First, Rush allows no streaming - the only access…
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  • that might be me...  I call into o'Reilly, Rush and Hannity with pretty fair consistency
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  • Today's Hannity call... Hannity:  Detroit Michigan, JR, Oscar on the Sean Hannity Show.  Hello. Me:  Semper Fi to the Sergeant.…
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  • Yeah - i think I missed the point of having you here at first.  I was (am) more interested in…
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  • Russ, I am easily frustrated.  Be that as it may, I appreciate you coming around these parts.  I wish it…
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  • Perhaps the discussion would flow more smoothly if you actually answered a question I asked.  For a person that likes…
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  • Sorry Booman - I should have read the entire thread before I posted.  I got inspired when I saw the…
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  • I have fallen in love with Galeil.  Fours just don't do you justice. Why you don't have a degree -…
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  • "Please remember he is an officer, and treat him with the utmost respect." as if he was enlisted and deserved…
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  • That's the single thing that I think won Dean so many supporters:  his campaign that was so concerned about community…
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  • I was right along side you all the way.  I'm from near the VT border in NY.  I didn't know…
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  • very interesting take at upyernose: as rude pundit noted, the "unanimous" senate vote last night approving the terri schiavo bill…
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  • Wow - lotsa familiar names here...  this should be fun.  BTW, how much work in building a Scoop site?  I…
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