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    As for his three months in a Pennsylvania prison, he wrote: "After 10 full years inside the GOP, 90 days…
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  • Yep, at Huff-Po it's kinda hit and miss sometimes. Not sure what his point was.  Sympathy, I guess.
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  • Digby covers it well here. According to this Democracy Corps poll (pdf), a majority of Americans, not just Republicans, quite…
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  • It sure sounds like they could use a visit from The Dog Whisperer at the NYT Baghdad Bureau. Exposed: The…
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  • Our relationship with our animals has always fascinated me.  It is odd that creatures which, on the surface, can appear…
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  • Oh, not much, you know, BooMan.  Same old same old. The Senate passed a huge spending bill that includes billions…
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  • In my own very lowly opinion, restoring the constitutional protections and provisions is where it's all at.  Bush would never…
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  • Good points, one and all.
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  • If all four Dem candidates who are Senators had shown up at the Capitol united - it would have been…
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  • Yes, Steven, it is quite depressing when you step back and look at the big picture of how severe our…
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  • Thank you Sherrod Brown.  You continue to do the right thing for me and all the rest of your constituents.…
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  • Lissen up, folks. If America can elect Richard Noxon, Ronald McDonald Reagan and George Butch II, it can elect ANYBODY.…
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  • As Bush and the Congressional Republicans proved themselves more and more irresponsible over the last 7 years, they lost more…
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  • I don't think people have really come to grips with the fact that the foundation of the unique American structure,…
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  • "You work three jobs?  ... Uniquely American, isn't it? I mean, that is fantastic that you're doing that."  --President George…
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  • What you said, Steven! What I really wonder is this.  It is often expressed in the Democratic blogosphere, almost a…
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  • In 1987, my brother, who had been his Senior Class Vice President in high school, Student Council President, a champion…
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  • "If there is a Democratic president and all Reid has to be is a cheerleader, I suspect his numbers would…
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  • See, it's so plain that even a righty figured it out. It took the neocons 40 years to get the…
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  • It's a nice thought, Steven.  Or maybe call it a nice dream. The Democrats do not have the party discipline…
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