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    "[H]er skipping WI and MI" -- Clinton didn't skip Michigan.  She appeared in the state three times for the general…
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  • When I looked for a flash mob video on my personal blog, I found this. It was one of the…
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  • "An addition to our usual beverage choices, we do make a damn fine cup of covfefe." I couldn't find an…
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  • He thinks the people in Congress are his employees that he can order around.  He doesn't realize they are the…
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  • "As the humble Sgt Schultz would often say 'I know nothing! Nothing'" Hahahaha!  Too true! Speaking of 1960s TV comedies,…
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  • White Russian?  I have a video for that. We show you how to make two awesome ass drinks, THE BLACK…
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  • I'd been seeing this series on the right side of the screen on this blog for years, but this is…
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  • Drinks, you say?  How about something patriotic, the All American Daiquiri. ALL AMERICAN DAIQUIRI 3 oz. (90ml) White Rum 4…
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  • Beat me to it!
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  • Will you be there for the eclipse on Monday?
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  • I have a Register article for you: Chap behind Godwin's law suspends his own rule for Charlottesville fascists: 'By all…
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  • I bet EE means Electrical Engineering, which would be more useful in a Caterpillar Factory (Peoria, Illinois?) than Environmental Ecology,…
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  • "Aloha, and thanks for all the fish." Here's to hoping you come back from your sojourn in the woods feeling…
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  • "The constituencies with targets on their backs are the elderly, disabled, veterans, and people temporarily out of work..." That looks…
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  • "In order to end this repeating cycle, the Democrats have to be willing to be irresponsible for once, otherwise they'll…
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  • Trump as Joffrey? I can see the resemblance.
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  • Speaking of Emmy nominations, here is the list of politically themed shows and the number of nominations each received.  I…
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  • I really have to watch her on TV, not just YouTube, where I'm subscribed to her channel.  Unfortunately, her show…
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  • Also, "it remains consistent, it remains consistent, it remains consistent, it remains consistent."
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  • At least now you know that someone was.
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