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    As for Rick Perry, I don't know what he did, but no one in Washington seems to like the guy.…
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  • I like Matt Taibbi's response to Brooks's little tantrum.  especially this bit: This is ironic, because it's not just the…
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  • I remember reading some Zechariah Sitchin paperbacks back in the day.  Purportedly non-fiction, the premise was that Ancient Astronauts came…
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  • Your analogy to history has sent pangs of pain down my spine.  If the popularity of Reagan were combined with…
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  • Actually, combine that with a desire for a new benevolent Caesar to rule America, and you've got about half of…
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  • Granted I was young back then, but the scenario Todd is describing is almost exactly the 1980 election.  Democrat in…
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  • Combine that with the scenario in Pennsylvania where the legislature wants to apportion electoral votes based on Congressional districts rather…
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  • Feh.  This is Chuck Todd's wishful thinking.  He's thinking about what would make the best TV and has convinced himself…
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  • I think what it says it that they thought the Republican Party would look a lot more like the GOP…
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  • I feel like as an early 30's, clean cut white guy I could infiltrate this event pretty easily. I mean…
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  • I wonder how much damage that would cause to the Mighty Republican Wurlitzer. Absolutely zero damage. In fact such a…
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  • I think you've got the causality backwards. Their anti-immigration stance is driven by their racism.  If they weren't racist then…
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  • I have to say this line: Imagine getting a bunch of cheap copies of the US constitution printed in China…
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  • I've seen many people interviewed about his book and none have any respect for him, even the foundation-paid party-hack-Flaks that…
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  • The difference between Perry and Bachmann in this regard is that, with Perry, the sign reads as a church mocking…
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  • If the "oppose everything Obama does" is just an electoral strategy, then sure - it makes sense to ditch it…
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  • I don't think it's the fact that he believes these things that has them dumping him - as I said…
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  • They finally sat down and read his book. Not that they're necessarily against anything in it, but if you're the…
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  • You want to know why it's impossible to be a wonk in today's Republican party? The Wall Street Journal's editorial…
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  • Feh.  Only when a Democrat does it.  And only when the flip-flop can't be portrayed as a lie.  If a…
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