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    "When you're done contemplatin' wave theory, I could use a little help a gittin' one of MaryB's tree rats.", -…
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  • The view this morning. However, nearly all of the white stuff was gone by sunset, as it wasn't that deep,…
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  • As far as I know it is, but we haven't talked today yet. I think the Red River of the…
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  • your comment got a belly laugh out of me! Highs Sat - Tues 40-43F so maybe some will melt, but…
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  • I think I'll peruse that photographer's site at more length later, based the first one I opened, Reflections in the…
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  • we got another 8" of snow from last night into this afternoon. I'll definitely set a late season x-c skiing…
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  • I've had that experience here at the farm too. One time they even gave me a photo that showed the…
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  • It will be fun watching the action there, thanks for the link!
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  • I've been helping an 80 yr old friend monitor his pumps the last couple of days.  We had the sand…
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  • Very wise choice on scenic vs interstate. I would suggest same for ND, ie any route other than I-94. Travelers…
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  • The juncos migrate through our area spring and fall, snow or no snow. I think this is the first season…
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  • Hey, Great Policy! Replied to your reply too, although I suspect you're catchings some Zs no in anticipation of the…
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  • Yeah, I forget what they call it now. I'll see if I can round something up on that. They're getting…
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  • Snow Plastered Window March 22, 2011 ? Sparrow I don't have my bird book here in the city, so maybe…
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  • Whelll! As Jack Blenny used to say, there you are AndiF. Re: Tossed, Carried and Placed. Tossed is a fun…
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  • Yes sirree bob, that Mocha cake looks mighty fine to me too. After a piece of that and a 12…
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  • And there he is,"Hi ya, Homer Blenny!!"
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  • Tough to pick some favorites out of all those, but the sunset are my favorites.
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  • Nice detail on all of them. I'll have to pay attention to my maples this year, as I think I've…
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  • Very serene. A bit more angle of incline on the land and you'd have yourself a fjord shot!
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