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    Look what I found! Six Month Old Springer Spaniel
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  • Good to see you're still swimmin' in the BT pond!
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  • "...still warm bread slathered with butter..." hey, add some cane brown sugar to that spread and you'll have one of…
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  • Great idea diane; It's been a few decadences since I made sourdough bread, but I do currently make all the…
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  • I used a tripod, of course, for a 13 sec shot, and I do believe I was using time delay.…
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  • ya, vell den you smartalecks! Vee half a few left!
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  • A glowing end to the evening of July 23.
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  • "Black Like Me" -AG I sure did, and agree it was a very powerful and moving account. And definitely an…
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  • Great story AG, and just the one I needed to hear tonight, especially after listening to some of the R…
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  • the one involving disruptions to shipping of food stuffs may be of concern, particularly if you live in the larger…
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  • hey there rf, glad to see you're still in the thick of it. Go Obama! Our only real hope, as…
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  • I agree. The HRC campaign I fear will do lasting damage to the D party, not just for the Nov…
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  • If we can, we should act now to head off both of these potential outcomes while it can still be…
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  • Excellent Boston Joe! Great to see you're still kickin'. I share all the same concerns you expressed above. And almost…
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  • This raises a number of questions:  Are they looking for volunteers?  The term "space probe" has a whole new meaning.…
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  • it would seem that the concerns Naomi Wolf's expressed in The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young…
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  • I would highly recommend Hugo Chavez: Oil, Politics, and the Challenge to the U.S. by Nikolas Kozloff for those wishing…
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  • I didn't know giraffes came in that colour!
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  • I agree that we are fast running out of time to affect regime change. Remember, the Achille's heel of heirarchical…
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  • Thanks for the info dada. ND borders Manitoba Canada, so you'd think the local media would  have something out on…
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