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  • I'm looking forward to you experimenting w/ the ice cream maker again ... 🙂 I found another link for you:…
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  • that's a beautiful photo!
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  • Xtina is in town tonight ... rush hour was worse than usual ... hence the ice cream for dinner. At…
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  • aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh 🙂 Welcome back Andi!
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  • Been awhile since we've run into each other here. 🙂
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  • peace
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  • smoooooooooooooth ...
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  • No 'live' hockey -- playoffs are set to start next week. Watching Tor v Buff on teevee Feeling that good…
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  • the last couple days have been not so fun, but it's the w/e ... 🙂 it's nice to see you…
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  • how lovely evening everyone ... looks like a family reunion in here tonight
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  • And I saw you in the News Bucket ... 😉
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  • I'm feeling deja vu ... Wasn't around a computer yesterday, but I did read your comments last night. Good to…
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  • peace
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  • We had freezing rain last night ... but it's supposed to rain today, so maybe it will wash away the…
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  • Do you find that a problem (i.e., shaking) ... and I think Andi said it has VR? That's a wonderfully…
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