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    if it wasn't true ... 😛 One of these days I'll surprise you all. Maybe ... 😉
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  • one of these days I'm going to get my butt over the border ... 🙂
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  • It was good to read the positive news about your house hunt, and that you're feeling better!
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  • and Jim better watch out ... 😉
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  • I agree that something needs to be done ... and I'm interested to read everyone's suggestions. While I think the…
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  • peace
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  • I think we should bring back the cereal cafe. Really, it's not fair that it wasn't a unanimous or majority…
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  • sounds very decadent ... 🙂 My goal is to sleep all day, or the morning at least. Was up late…
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  • Evening FM ... 🙂
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  • I was lazy O today
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  • Been too long. Brrrrr ... you're going to have snuggle w/ Pepa tonight. And no, can't say jealous lol ...…
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  • 😀
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  • and how about Iris? and little baby?
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  • Sheila Watt-Cloutier ... ITK -- "Inuit have known for many years that the climate is changing," said Duane Smith. "Sheila…
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  • poutine? 😉
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  • another disclaimer is warranted ... ---------- I love Americans -- even though they call them donut holes 😉
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  • they're the bit of dough that gets punched out when a doughnut is made ... perfectly mouth-sized delicous morsels. 🙂
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  • can't be upsetting my muse ... 🙂
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  • you'll appreciate them for the Cdn delicacy they are ... timbits ... ---------- I love Americans, even the H Cdn…
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