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    That whole you-staying-up-later-than-me thing?
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  • You have to go through all the steps and add it to the template to see what it looks like…
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  • Forget grace, I don't want to be a geezer yet ...  ðŸ™‚
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  • I made it in photoshop ... lots of cool things you can do there ... but, I'm thinking of putting…
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  • You need a break like no one else I know ... well, maybe IVG ... but seriously, I hope you…
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  • It's just not right ... I don't want to be a geezer ... it's too soon ... nooooooo ... 😛
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  • FM and George ... Looks like a bunch of satisfied froggies to me ... 🙂
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  • it's a sweet ride ... I hope they do it. 🙂
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  • But then I thought about what I'd be writing and not sure I want to be using that as my…
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  • okay ... if you're going to write something up, I might consider doing the same and you can post at…
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  • no writing ... 😛 ... an no photos ... 😉
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  • w/ the Tigers ... lots of energy. I lived in Windsor very briefly -- couple of yrs -- and went…
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  • 😀
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  • that I had never even imagined in my wildest thoughts ... 🙂
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  • this year ... you know he's persona not grata here in ottawa ... and of course, I'm a stevie yzerfan…
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  • They just lost to d's team tonight -- the Avs .... grrrr. I'm refer to both the Sens and the…
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  • It was a wild night out for lil o from canada ... 😉
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  • My one and only time in no ... 🙂
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