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    You haven't pulled them out in a long time FM 🙂
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  • Go to Start --> Control Panel --> Printers and Other Hardware --> Mouse --> Mouse Properties --> Should have a…
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  • I do happen to know a few of those type ... 😉
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  • You'll have to let us know when you make it to the porch ... Then you'll be like Kelly. :)…
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  • Sounds delish Indy ... 🙂 Sometimes the body knows what it needs and doesn't bother the brain w/ the details…
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  • Is there a specific setting on the control panel or in the system tray. You could always try googling ...…
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  • It was a bummer of a day. I picked up 2, count em: 2 containers of ice cream on the…
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  • I can't wait to receive IndyMail ... 🙂
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  • Everybody knows that! 🙂
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  • I just escaped from my cube ... 🙂
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  • And that's one gate I'd love to be walking through!
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  • That's funny
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  • no hawks today ... 🙂 how's the new toilet seat?
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  • You did, in fact, do just that ... 🙂
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  • ... and best wishes! Please be careful yourself travelling to be w/ her ...{{{SN}}}
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  • Not you too Cali!
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  • I don't go to a barber ... they're scary looking! 😉
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  • maybe not lifetime ... as long as it wasn't the cheap kind either ... 😛
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  • Not even for a lifetime supply of chocolate ice cream.
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