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    Looks like a sparkly headdress on the thumbnail version ... and honey on the large.
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  • Looks peacock-ish, but doesn't have the little tufts on top of the head ... hmmm ... not sure. Beautiful colours…
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  • Ahhhh, these made my day. 🙂
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  • Those colours around Brummett Cabin are so pretty ID.
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  • lol, a classic for sure. 🙂
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  • What a gorgeous looking building - full of character. And the gatekeeper is fantastic. Love those d.
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  • Sven, these are fantastic! Love the Frankfurt, Germany spider-web building - that is really something.
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  • St. Pete Times Forum, Tampa Were you there to see the Lightning play? St. Mary's Basillica is an impressive building.…
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  • Great reflection in the building. I like that.
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  • I had that happen to me right after I posted the diary Friday morning - I couldn't get the site…
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  • Fantastic. I love - LOVE - the expression on Elliott's face. 🙂
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  • LOL ... 🙂
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  • Maybe it's the colors but the first picture from Andi and Olivia echo each other somehow. It's the awesome mind-meld…
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  • dada rails is really neat - looks like barb wire on wood.
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  • I love the trail meets road. tampopo, you always have a great take on the theme ideas. 🙂
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  • Fern Canyon! I want to go to Fern Canyon! And once I've had my fill of Fern Canyon I want…
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  • Great photos ID - wow, I love the top one. All the green, the details, the perspective as Andi mentioned.…
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  • 😀
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  • I love Serpentine ... that's one of my fav photos of yours. The canyon trail, late impressionism and spring walk…
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