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  • I'm sure FM is about to sign off too ... 🙂 Good night SN ... sleep well.
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  • B/c it's bad for doggies ...
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  • these last few days have been almost too much for me ... it's soooooooo exciting! 😉
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  • The cafe was moving so slow I figured I wouldn't miss much, but then I come back and whoa! 🙂
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  • Hmmmmmm ... interesting.
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  • The other day I was daydreaming about a chocolate bath and so I googled it and sure enough ... you…
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  • Missed you in the other cafe.
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  • Here ya go!
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  • We're back to where we started! 🙂
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  • Did you do that on purpose --- leave it so late? 🙂
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  • Sounds like a really exciting and productive time you!
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  • Or that you couldn't fix it?
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  • How you doing SN?
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  • That was fast!
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  • My long w/e has begun ... ahhhhh. So are you feeling better cold-wise?
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  • Hi mm! How are you doing tonight?
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  • I remember you mentioned that before keepinon... I'm going to check her out.
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