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    He snores, snorts, grunts, etc. ... he's very loud. A lot of interesting stuff going on here trade-wise too. Chara…
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  • Good to see ya ... dada and I were starting to miss the late night loons ... 🙂
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  • Good thing it's a long w/e ... need the extra day to recover ... 🙂 Sounds like a nice day…
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  • I saw your post in the breakfast/all day/evening cafe ... the pic of the hail storm. Crazy ... How's the…
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  • Did you take this pic?
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  • I can hear my guests snoring upstairs ... lol. I'm going to go recharge for tomorrow's activities ... Goodnight d,…
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  • Thx for the explanation. And for the all the pix.
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  • Yes I did knuckle ... I agree w/ your sentiments about those particular incidents. How did you put the pic…
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  • That's amazing knuckle! It looks, dare I say velvet-y ... 🙂
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  • Well then, as long as you use some of those winnings to come visit I can go without a piece…
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  • 🙂
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  • Already on Pt2 ... 🙂 I'm off again. Just checking in after a quick clean up break. See you! Don't…
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  • Everyone have a great Canada Day! See you later ...
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  • Every day the few weeks will be filled will all sort of interesting and wonderful cycling antics and displays of…
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  • And now I'm in the thinking about it stage lol. Could I send you an email if I have questions?
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