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    That's beautiful!
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  • We're having celebratory mud wrestling --- everyone's invited! 🙂
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  • Yahoooooooooooooooooooo!!!! It's over!!!
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  • Better even than licking the cake batter and frosting bowls ... 🙂 Oh, and yes --- I'm done! 😀
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  • yeah I read that ... wasn't sure if you were going to try again but I guess you have to…
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  • How'd you make out w/ the Great FM Ice Cream Experiment?
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  • Does she have trugs too?
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  • This is excellent news!
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  • Odd to see you venturing out in the daylight ... hope your skin's not burning. 😉 Never too much pink…
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  • Here's a whole trug-ful. 🙂
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  • That's a good question -- what am I doing here?
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  • Fancy meeting you here ... 🙂
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  • It looks like the entrance to Nirvana ... Step into the light! And right there in your Woodland Wonderland --…
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  • And yes, tonight should be the night! Woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • Like I said, each day that icing gets a little richer and creamier and chocolatier ... 🙂
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  • That icing (on the cake) is sure turning out to be super-duper chocolately ... 😉
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  • Indy's going?! 🙂
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