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    So long as little children are allowed to suffer, there is no true love in this world. ~Isadora Duncan peace
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  • Thanks again for those links! I was just over there looking at some of your pix -- they're beautiful. Sleep…
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  • Sleep well all! (Hope it gets better for you soon IVG ...)
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  • Here's another link for you: do you look like your dog? So do you take after Pepa or Rolly ...…
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  • given what you've told us of Rolly's age etc. Well, I guess you just take it one day at a…
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  • and procrastination ... 🙂 That doesn't sound as good as ethereal though.
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  • w/ the worts and the honeysuckle. Those flowers are just so unique -- reminds me of ribbon, that curly bit.
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  • That is amazing ...
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  • It has to be a scary time for him then, w/ losing his buddy and his owner. How do you…
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  • like I know what they're talking about ... 🙂
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  • ... the new dog. What kind of dog is he?
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  • I have to live vicariously through you and others ... and then catch the clips online. I just check Crooks…
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  • I'm just a figment of you imaginations ... (Btw, if I do suddenly disappear it's b/c my power just flickered.)
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  • And how does that mirror sphere hold w/ your vampiric ways?
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  • Besides we don't even know what you were getting up to, so don't be implicating me or myself ... 🙂
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  • 😉
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  • I'm almost afraid to ask how you're doing --- sounds like a real rough stretch you're going through right now.…
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  • or your early am ... 🙂
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