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    Yeah ... I should probably go recharge my batteries... It's not late anymore, the sun's coming up here. 🙂 I…
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  • And it's not harder than say, a tackle in football right? That does sound frustrating though ... how can you…
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  • They'd probably send you out to the store immediately to get some more... I think you'd make an excellent nagger.…
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  • Oh ... so are you going to pull out that empty bottle of laundry detergent? 😉 Ha ha ... it…
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  • Are these relatives visiting for a few days? It was a very pleasant hike ... a bit too hot and…
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  • I went out today ... went hiking a bit at place near where I live -- took some pix of…
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  • Not much happening. Kinda quiet here in BTland. Edmonton won, so they're going back to NC for game 7. Is…
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  • Be save and have fun tomorrow ... 🙂
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  • Went to bed too early again? 🙂
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  • Just got it ... and I will add your disclaimer ... 🙂
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  • Would you mind passing that info along. I have a colleague who has had this chest cold for months ...…
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  • Don't even THINK about touching the chocolate ... 🙂
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  • And then it's caput for the season ... You gotta come up and spend some time w/ me and I'll…
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  • Sleep well, though I know you will after your hard day o work ... Sweet dreams too!
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  • Gotta watch the big game ... Dr D ... 🙂
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  • ... but it still gets a person discombobulated. Whaddaya mean the nachos saved it? Oy, maybe it's just too late…
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