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    Anything spring to mind?
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  • Wow ... very creative ... a work of art. It must have looked fantastic.
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  • ... to have 6hr conversations after spending the w/e with them. 🙂 What does DV farm?
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  • under appreciated ... if you come from a non-pee on the rugs situation. Maybe ya gotta find the inverse --…
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  • Have you guys seen this yet? It's been floating around the net ... link
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  • of the back garden. Maybe keep a few, but I'd like to have a more 'natural' garden ... I'm taking…
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  • 6 hours ... Are these friends you haven't seen in a while? I think they're Patriot Hostas.
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  • Guess what I'm eating right now: Mayan Chocolate ice cream. It says, ...inspired by the original chocolate first created by…
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  • I think I'm starting to have nightmares about them though ... I'm drowning in rose petals, and giant pink roses…
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  • If I just broomed them off then by the end of the summer the garden would either be a pink…
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  • Art's obviously a great teacher... How was you day today?
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  • Went to the Grey Cup when it was in Ottawa 2yrs ago, and the guy next to me snuck in…
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  • One game I was at the guy sitting next to me spilled his beer all over my leg ... I…
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  • I'd say I see a half empty stadium as a good thing, cause it means lineups to the washroom will…
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  • Well that's not so bad ...Monastic lifestyle: good for your health? Variety is the spice of life, or so the…
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  • Usually half the stadium is off b/c of the size and acoustics etc. And I think some of it started…
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  • Listening in now ... 🙂 So. Got any non-clinical nocturnal experimentation in the plans for tonight?
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  • Did you catch the opening anthems? Hear the crowd singing?
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  • 😉
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