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    I apologize in advance for the length ... 🙂
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  • Sounds like a productive day NDD. Btw, I picked up Studs Terkel's Working from the library today.
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  • I'm having lots of fun learning to use the new camera. 🙂
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  • So I'm sure you'll just love being Cdn. 🙂
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  • It makes me think of a caterpillar.
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  • ... and growing up where I did, we'd often see the northern lights too. I was so lucky to grow…
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  • LOL!
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  • Can you see stars tonight? One of the things I hate about city living -- rarely get to see the…
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  • I don't even say good night to family this much LOL.
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  • ... they're something else aren't they!
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  • How was your day -- I read earlier that you went for a bike ride ... But more nbly, are…
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  • ... okay, maybe I would. But only b/c you've self-IDed in the first place. 😉
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  • and checking e/m etc. And I'm trying to move all my photos off my computer onto CDs so that I…
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  • I thought I'd better get an Hello in here before you go off to bed. Nice cafes today maryb!  
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  • ... to get that ripple? Lovely ... 🙂
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  • For you Chris, cause it's tradition right? 🙂 Good night.
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  • See you dudes later. Happy long w/e to you all! Sweet dreams ...
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