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    I am sooooooooooooooooo not looking forward to this Andi!
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  • That sounds unpleasant ... I hope it gets better soon.
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  • It's been awhile! How's things (other than the papers)?
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  • Are we or aren't we? I'm shocked FM -- you in a hurry?! Say it ain't so! The garden is…
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  • LOL! Here's how the garden is this evening ... It's not turtles though ...
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  • ... be still my heart! 🙂
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  • 🙂
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  • But sunny on the w/e ... hopefully. 🙂
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  • Maybe both! 🙂
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  • That sounds like an unpleasant way to spend the day. I avoid the in-persons at all costs here and use…
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  • Does that mean you're sun is gone?
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  • And it's already down to 1 hour ... 😉 The question is ... is it funny now?
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  • I don't know ... maryb? 🙂
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  • And I agree w/ you. I don't have any chocolate around either, so it's going to be a l o…
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  • Sounds like one of those stories that's only funny way after the initial episode. But I'm not going to nag…
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