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  • It was a lengthy but interesting read ... How's it going NDD?
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  • you?
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  • ... we've got mm @ 11:20ish d  @ 00:20ish IVG@ 01:20ish o @ 02:20ish Is that right?
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  • Click on it and it brings up all the site visitors and their info.
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  • ... seeing as I've got no Salad Finger Cafes up my sleeves. 🙂
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  • ... so don't try to amuse them too much. 😉 Interesting the page they came in on.
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  • ... there's enough of us who consider it to be a highlight that we are definitely not in the minority.…
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  • ... are causing spelling and grammar breakdown? Sounds uncomfortable ... 🙂
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  • Andi's skinks were my highlight. 🙂
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  • I'm sure of it ... 🙂
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  • Did you have a good day?
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  • nb ... Nota Bene ... Latin: Note Well
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  • nb = important
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  • I'm going to put it up at work tomorrow ... And isn't skink just a weird name. Thanks on the…
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  • How's it going ... weren't they cool? I'm trying to think how having an electric blue tail aids in their…
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