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    You are a gentleman though. 🙂 Sleep well, and see you tomorrow.
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  • I've really scared myself by reading all this internet stuff about worst case scenarios.
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  • Chester ... LOL
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  • Eat a big bowl of ice cream before bed and then fall asleep? Did you put anything on top of…
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  • 🙂
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  • ... and we're really gonna miss you.
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  • Did you read this comment!
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  • 😉
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  • Thanks for sharing it!
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  • I won't be disconnected during crucial moments. I will learn all the BT secrets bwa-ha-ha-ha-haaaaa. 😉
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  • I'm glad you admit the lameness of it. And yes, I'm admitting the lameness of my own.
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  • Besides, you already made some crack below about running from menopausal women. 😛
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  • So I have a few more days ... And, b/c of my past experience I can totally commiserate w/ you.…
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