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    You are such a beautiful, strong woman. I admire you so much. And though I've never met you in person,…
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  • Great advice: "Deliberately choose people to ask who will disagree with each other." It's so much easier to only go…
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  • mythmother... I don't know how I can offer any specific help for your situation, but I do want to give…
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  • Bu --- you are beautiful!!!
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  • Selected the medium size img instead of the small. My apologies to all those on phone lines! 🙁
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  • Hello everyone! Waking up to the third sunny morning in a row this week. (It's been a gloomy winter here…
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  • That is a luscious photo and you are Luscious for posting it SN! 😉
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  • Yes! We're (the viewers) better situated here d/t the fading in the background -- we get a sense of perspective.…
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  • I have that to a small degree: feeling colours, smelling colours, hearing images, etc. but it's very faint... Interesting. Concentration…
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  • Me too Cali... I was trying to plant the seed in Puget4 when she visited my site that they should…
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  • That's neat. Maybe the actual painting wasn't your strength, but you took that creativity and used it in other formats.…
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  • That's an awesome description!
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  • You are too modest... You have the "eye" <(o)> And that's the most important part! Well, I guess a camera…
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  • I think we created a North American vortex here in Ottawa when the collective city gasped in dismay as Hasek…
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  • Can I make a preliminary request that you share whatever tidbits of knowledge gleaned from said courses? Or photographic results?…
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  • I was channelling DJ in my comment to dada. Hope you're feeling better ... (((DJ)))!
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  • Backatcha dada!
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  • You're cute! Oh Andi, you make me laugh... 🙂
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  • That sounds really lovely CG.
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  • They are so very different. The blue sky peeking through the dark trees in pan2 adds atmosphere. And the golden…
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