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    I shot it out the car window while driving in the storm ... 😀
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  • Well done!
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  • That is so lush ... it's beautiful.
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  • The backlighting on your vinegar bottles is lovely, and what a yummy gift. 🙂
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  • That is great!
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  • I forgot all about these! Brings back memories ... 🙂
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  • Love the colour and flamboyance. And great capture. What lens did you use to get these - were you close?…
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  • That's disappointing about your D40. I remember reading something at flickr I think, about someone getting some dirt back in…
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  • Hope you have a great day. 🙂
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  • Love all the colour in the train station. And I'm in agreement w/ Andi - the second photo is wonderful…
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  • It's great to see you ... hope you're doing well. Thanks for the feedback. If you have any theme requests,…
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  • I love the Mt. Lemon one ... wow, that's a gorgeous view. And the angling of the plank walk makes…
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  • Agree w/ you on Andi's angles -- that path is fantastic, esp w/ the flowers.
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  • Hi CG.
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  • He was a very intriguing man. Was great to meet him. That wine press was outside my hotel in Vauvert…
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  • "proclivity to piracy" ... I like it ... 🙂
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  • LOL, that's great. 🙂
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  • LOL, great comparison shots.
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