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    I like the 'Stop Stealing Food - I spit in mine' one ... lol
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  • Hasek who was Ottawa's goalie in 2006 and got injured in the Olympics and then refused to play again for…
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  • 😀 vs either Detroit or Anaheim ... Anaheim is up 3 games to 2 in the series.
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  • That looks like a boulder on wheels ... 🙂
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  • Long time no see ... Did you watch the game today? 🙁
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  • Victoria's that is ... heh 🙂
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  • Stanley ::dreamy sigh:: 😉
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  • These horseless carriages (heh 🙂 have such character. It's great to see you btw!
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  • just saw this on AP ... was flabbergasted
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  • Looking forward to this ... especially to see how you develop the colours.
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  • That's what you said last night too ... 😉 Morning all, and welcome home Andi.
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  • Always good to know the master stays true to form ... :~) Whatcha got planned for the w/e?
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  • What's up at Casa FMan tonight ... how's FMom?
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  • have been doing a lot of nothing ... getting myself ready to do even more nothing ... 😉
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  • Evening FM.
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  • That's quite the size difference ... great perspective for that shot too.
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  • No, I hadn't heard that ... thanks for the link.
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  • I was just reading another article -- Can We End the American Empire Before It Ends Us? -- and this…
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