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    I remember picking Howard Dean's cabinet 4 years ago - I'll wait until Hillary's campaign has a stake through its…
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  • We haven't had a reason to think about the future - or the past - in optimistic terms since 1968,…
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  • And Obama's speech got a rise out of The Rude One...
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  • Both/And?
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  • A successful campaign needs three things - money, volunteers and votes. Some groups you approach primarily for their votes, others…
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  • Al has to take all of the responsibility for all of his own choices, but Big Pimpin' Bill Clinton was…
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  • Al Gore was such a dunce. Gore was afraid of being tarnished by Clinton's philandering - that's why he about…
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  • I've got a spitwad for LIEberman if ever he should make his way into the Bluegrass state...
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  • The most famous disconnect between the perceptions of the black community and 'mainstream' America was the verdict in the O.J.…
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  • Trying to change the rules after they've been broken? Now where have I heard that before...
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  • Assuming the people at Democratic Convention Watch to be authoritative then it would take more than the 343 uncommitted superdelegates…
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  • Vulgar language? Please, try The Rude One's smack-down of Ms. Ferraro...
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  • Oh, I thought it was something recent. Jeremiah Wright isn't exactly known for his subtlety...
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  • Did I miss something wrt Jeremiah Wright? Link?
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  • That picture is just screaming "WARNING: Gratuitous Beaver Shot Ahead!" The worst part about it is that with CBS's news…
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  • Let's look at it from a slightly different prism to shed a different light on the matter. What if Ms.…
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  • Seeing how the Clintons have been wrong in just about every other prognostication in this race I shouldn't be surprised,…
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  • Keith O just put his foot so far up Hillary's posterior that she'll be tasting athlete's foot for weeks. That…
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  • Hillary is just not getting it. Nor Bill, for that matter. They get it, they simply reject it.
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  • There's a bad Spitzer joke in there somewhere but it might not be safe to engage in such activities...
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