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    Come 2012, if Senator Clinton decides to run for re-election to the Senate, she will face a primary challenger, and…
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  • It would also be a big "F You!" to the Clinton camp - something that would put a big smile…
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  • They accused a man who received the Silver Star, Bronze Star, and three Purple Hearts of being a liar and…
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  • I saw that email too - hilarious...
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  • In times of great peril, embittered people often cling to their family, faith, and guns...
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  • I've really got to slow down and read things twice - I was about to ask, "Who's the angry hamster?"
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  • Does PA do Diebold? Just remembering New Hampshire...
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  • Is that in the bible somewhere? Is all this monumentally stupid and vain, arrogant, or am I just an ignorant…
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  • They understand it, they simply intend on countering it in order to keep Obama from becoming too strong...
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  • I guess she wasn't in a free speech zone...
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  • Here's one possibility that I'd really rather not see come to fruition...
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  • They wouldn't need to offer a carrot or a stick - the two of them speaking together against Clinton in…
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  • If she joins McCain's ticket then I'll do a river dance in a kilt.
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  • The optimal time for them to do that would be next Sunday so that it will be fresh in the…
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  • A few years ago a comedian quipped that as long as people kept laughing at that line comedians would keep…
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  • If you think that's bad, try having an honest conversation about White Supremacy - it's not about rednecks in white…
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  • Besides, how many bad tempered, potential Alzheimer's sufferers with lousy comb overs are there in America, anyway? Baby Boomers, millions…
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  • He's still got the hand-wave thing down, it's just that there aren't as many simple-minded fools to be tricked any…
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  • And she needs her pony...
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  • Oddly enough, the definitive shut-down to the Jeremiah Wright issue, such as it is, came from the unlikeliest of places...
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