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    __ Naw! A wide variety of expletives can fill the blank...
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  • An ignorant electorate...
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  • I have no problem with Senator Byrd, and haven't had a problem with him for at least a decade. To…
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  • ...to God's ears!
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  • Race or Ethnicity: Black Gender: Male Sexual Orientation: Hetero Marital Status: Single (until I can find a sister who complements…
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  • I'm not sure which pejorative category this belongs to, but some idiot stationed in Iraq decided to use the Qu'ran…
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  • Americans spend almost $1 billion per month on video games...
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  • I don't worry so much about the ones with keyboard courage, the ones who zip emails or scribble on walls.…
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  • One Drop...
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  • When your only options are Nazis or Communists then you're guaranteed to get screwed...
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  • What's the over/under on when OBL's head pops up on a pike? I think October 25th should be the median…
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  • 4. Bruce Lunsford of Kentucky Now, I'm probably one of the most conservative Democrats to post on this site, and…
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  • If the ticket were Obama-Edwards and I were a GOP strategist then I would create a series of ads asking,…
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  • On what evidence? Reuters April 3, 2008 headline: John Edwards says would not accept VP nomination
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  • I'm of two minds on Olberman's outrage - on the one hand he should save his outrage for something truly…
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  • ...are often code words for "uppity"
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  • Edwards role in this, IMO, is to blunt the "Unity Ticket" madness - offering up a different narrative about the…
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  • Fear not - next week it'll be my turn to explain the votes of the hillbillies hereabouts. Obama will do…
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  • There's something sinister going on...
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  • q.v. WaPo There are some people who simply can not be reached - I pray that Obama's team doesn't waste…
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