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    I'm sure he did kill himself, kinda like the guy who shot a woman in a Detroit church on Easter…
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  • I think it would be a good idea for you to bookmark all of these righteous indignation articles and copy…
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  • ...Paul Ryan - because Americans are (GOP believes) that dumb.
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  • I thought that was a preview of Tampa in a couple weeks...
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  • The theological debate would be entirely among Republicans - nobody who's voting for Obama gives two bits about Romney's theology…
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  • I think it was rykiah who said it first but I wholeheartedly agree - it is likely that Romney paid…
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  • There is a link between effective CEOs and sociopaths, so it could be used in both the arguments for and…
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  • I'm more concerned about the GOP's Jim Crow voter purges than jinxes - that could be a game-changer.
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  • Facts that validate feelings win debates, and most people viscerally dislike Romney. Obama will crush Romney in the debates by…
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  • Alan Grayson. Also every member if the Congressional Black Caucus.
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  • Romney isn't courting Jewish votes - he's still trying to nail down the right-most evangelicals who still aren't feeling him.
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  • More likely alluding to the Scots' coming referendum on independence - dumb to mention, kind of like talking about Quebec…
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  • There are only two ways out. Either the parties will become more fluid, or one party must be crushed underfoot.…
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  • Media - it's all a story, no truth.
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  • I'd argue that it was the moment that postmodern "thought" became mainstream...
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  • I would go for fed aid to states/local government being based on the number of votes in the last national…
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  • It's along the thinking of "hitting them where it hurts." Since winning football games and reaching the wins record was…
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  • I'm curious to see if wins will be vacated...
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  • This is actually my primary objection to people going gonzo after every mass killing - the overwhelming majority of murders…
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  • Perhaps if his surname was Abdallah he would have garnered some attention - that, or Sanchez...
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