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    Isn't this the point when the right usually brings up the idea of Second Amendment Remedies?
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  • It may be more accurate to call those commenters Xenophobic - I believe they're equal-opportunity when it comes to denigrating…
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  • Starting? You must not know these people...
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  • It's deeper than that - the left doesn't appreciate being taken for granted; the right abhors a traitor, and that's…
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  • I have comments, but for the sake of avoiding a one-way trip to GitMo I'll keep them to myself...
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  • None. It's like folks saying "We're all Irish" - only on March 17th and only pertaining to wearing green and…
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  • Contraception is primarily a Catholic issue - it's a secondary issue for Protestants (facilitating fornication) while it is a primary…
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  • ...there was actually once a time where blacks voted overwhelmingly Republican Tell me, why did that change?
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  • ...he has every right to his opinion no matter how (expletive) that opinion is. This is true, and everyone else…
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  • Let me ask this - are you saying that the current tax structure is fair?
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  • Grayson is probably my favorite bomb-thrower - I really hope he wins in the fall.
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  • Here's the problem - even if you get it out of Congress you have to get 33 or 34 states…
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  • You won't find me defending Catholic policy or the Catholic Church itself - there's a reason why we had a…
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  • There's an extent to which I agree, although I suppose for different reasons, but if you are going to effectively…
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  • When it comes to "Love your neighbor as yourself" as a moral imperative it's pretty clear that invading or not…
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  • The Bishops are Americans. As Americans they have a right to participate in the process. Their views may be wholly-informed…
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  • I'm saying that the basis is the same, be the issue large or small. There are no mortal or venial…
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  • Let me paraphrase you for a point of comparison: I also think it's unhealthy for church leaders to take political…
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  • It's a question of identity - are you first and foremost an American or are you first and foremost a…
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  • I don't know that Snowe helps him - they pretty much occupy the same space. She makes a whole lot…
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