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    "This is where secession began, and by God, here is where it will end." - William Tecumseh Sherman Sherman was…
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  • You can't believe in free trade but not believe in the free movement of people. Sure you can. Just because…
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  • Ron Paul. Congress would neuter him and we would be forced to have an honest national discussion about fundamental issues…
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  • Jeb could satisfy both their base and their Wall Street bosses so it makes sense from that standpoint, but I…
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  • I am watching the GOP chucklefest on FauxNews - my impressions: Huntsman - wrong message for this crowd Santorum -…
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  • The Sith always betray one another...
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  • Think of it in sports terms: the Vikings were tougher for the Packers to defeat than the Rams, but the…
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  • Well, considering the fact that this guy exists they may be right - every time I think that Kentucky has…
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  • I suppose the Governator and Tiger Woods will be next to endorse Gingrich...
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  • It's fairly well-known (at least in seminary circles) that many theological (as opposed to sociological) cult members  are former Baptists…
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  • But saying a few sensible things about science and admitting the Obama isn't the anti-Christ and even being willing to…
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  • And they both come from a church that openly competes for converts with evangelicals. You keep going with this competition…
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  • I think Booman just has a soft spot for Steves... Welcome to the pond!
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  • Well, A boy named Suh better grow up quick before he's eternally expelled from the NFL My Steelers need to…
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  • Nature abhors a vacuum - if they endorse nobody then someone else will fill that void and the next election…
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  • That is, if the Dems hold the Senate and Obama wins then there will be no retirements until 2017.
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  • Romney/Huntsman as the GOP phones in POTUS 2012 to set up 2016, putting Huntsman next in line. GOP will go…
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  • The proper response is to assign the responsibility to an existing department and keep it moving - eff 'em.
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  • No doubt, but the point is that we haven't fought amongst ourselves - Georgia hasn't declared war against Florida and…
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