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    ...after a long, expensive process that drains both entities.
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  • It's time for Obama to get his LBJ on: now that the GOP has demonstrated what everyone already knew -…
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  • ...it does nothing but demean our political culture. Um, isn't that about like insulting the integrity of a prostitute? This…
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  • I would say instead of trying to get the money out of the electoral process (kind of like trying to…
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  • Which is why their asses should watched and if they twitch wrong - arrested. If they twitch then they should…
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  • Things should resolve themselves in a satisfactory manner. Even a perfectly-aligned car will run off of the road if you…
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  • There's another possibility - people who are being polled on the question are trying to influence the poll. I have…
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  • ...because our Republic is in the process of humiliating itself. I'm afraid that ship sailed a long time ago...
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  • This is a very convenient arrangement for the man. This is a very convenient reading of the text in isolation…
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  • But the racism charge - even a racism tint - is just plain wrong, in my view - factually and…
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  • Um, here in Kentucky our "good" senator is Mitch McConnell...
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  • Which is why the Clintons' political capital with me can be measured in Confederate dollars...
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  • I believe their gameplan is something like this: Obama has health care on center stage Hillary has been sent overseas…
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  • Let's say that the Whip did his job and knew that he had the votes to pass the bill. Let's…
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  • KY? Solidly Democratic? That's news.
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  • ...especially if they succeed. The subsequent "unrest" would make the French Revolution look like a tea party...
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  • It's really not that terribly different from a traditional entrance. I like it.
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  • I do wish that someone would get into the conversation that he WAS NOT breaking into his own home -…
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  • The real lesson here is never, ever express anger, indignation or outrage towards a police official under any circumstances. F*ck…
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