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    ...abortion laws and practices will not have substantively changed. ...Israel will still hold the deed to the West Bank and…
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  • Many of the centrists represent fairly conservative districts/states, and their argument/excuse is that they have to vote their constituents. This…
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  • Where are the populist southern Democrats? Sitting alongside the Rockefeller Republicans - in the dustbin of history...
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  • They want Congress setting standards about as much as your average guy wants a digital exam - it may be…
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  • Right after we get finished convincing them that water really is wet...
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  • The answer is to expose Fox News and the Moonie Times for the front organizations that they are. That assumes…
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  • But it's dry heat - at least that's what I hear... Stay cool - that heat kills, for real.
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  • Gotta give the man credit - he doesn't sell out...
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  • With bells on... 🙂
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  • The peace and love left is about as likely to fight back as the xenophobic right is likely to embrace…
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  • I'd go with Professor X, a first-rate diplomat who can release the hounds when diplomacy fails.
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  • Every - and I do mean every - male in the 35-45 range had a think for Linda Carter as…
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  • Cloture...
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  • They're all whores, it's just a matter of who's their (primary) pimp...
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  • ...and why hasn't anyone mentioned Dick Cheney's name, yet? Probably for the same reason that they don't mention Cthulhu's name...
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  • I read in my history books about prairie populism. What happened to that? I read in my history books that…
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  • How about Ayatollah Khamenei S'sTFU and holds real elections instead of acting like a delusional tyrant? Acting?
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  • Warrantless domestic wiretaps?
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  • Because that's just how conservatives roll these days, doncha know. Today's GOP might actually opt for the real thing, not…
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