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    In other words, you could have Big Ben throwing to Larry Fitzgerald, T.O., and Steve Smith (framing), but if the…
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  • The only way the Gregg pick really pays off is if his replacement refuses to join Republican filibusters. If you're…
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  • They nominated George W. Bush - twice - and rallied behind Sarah Palin. Stupid is as stupid does, no?
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  • The conservatives probably consider the opening of school districts to these lawsuits as a means to undermine public education, which…
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  • Give in to the dark side - it is your destiny... [/Vader voice]
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  • So long as he's on the public dole (read: federal pension) and getting Secret Service protection and intelligence briefs I'd…
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  • Palin.
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  • Not quite sure why the iPhone decided to turn Betty Crocker into Bett Crocker - probably fat finger syndrome.
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  • It's not that it was beneath her, it's that it absolutely was not her. From what I understand of Hillary,…
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  • That's a f'ing valuable thing...
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  • Hillary wasn't sneering at homemakers, she was sneerng at those who presumed a Yale-trained corproate lawyer should be nothing other…
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  • The Rooneys endorsed Obama in the primaries and campaigned for him across Pennsyltucky through the general election, bringing a Terrible…
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  • I expect Michelle to do Michelle - define herself in her own terms, assert herself in her own way, and…
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  • Isn't Broder the Wanker Emeritus?
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  • It's true that five candidates for office were assassinated... Other than that, how was the play Mrs. Lincoln?
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  • On the left I would say Richard Cohen of WaPo - he reminds me of a diarrhetic Shi Tsu. On…
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  • You always kill an IT associate's access before you notify them of their termination, never after. This is why...
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  • This is one of many reasons why I'm a fan of the Pittsburgh Steelers. The team plays pretty good football…
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  • I agree - Obama will have that "Down, boy!" scowl perfected by 2016. What I'm really waiting to see -…
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