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    I'm a little confused by your statement, Boo -- America gets the hell kicked out of us, and Assad will…
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  • that is, if you wanna feel like slitting your wrists. It's all too plausible and there won't be anywhere to…
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  • I had this sudden weird notion that you might be a childhood friend who i found out later became a…
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  • I've got some serious genocide to commit in the AM, and I need my beauty rest.
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  • to make the damned things palatable. Heh, I included high-fiber crackers!
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  • SBJ, what you said.
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  • Those baby seal-eaters aren't Canadians. They are Americans, disguised as Canadians.
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  • this.
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  • Probalby the Expanding Crusader Theater (see end of thread for locations nearest you).
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  • Thanks! I wondered what I was going to do on Friday! It was either that or eat babies.
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  • Glad I missed it.
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  • Couldn't I go to the Expanding Crusader Theater instead? Are they showing DEVIL WEARS PRADA?
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  • You forgot to put "crusader" in there. It's not complete without at least one reference to "crusaders."
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  • By any chance are you from San Diego?
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  • "news of the weird" - what a great idea, Cali! I'll have to look for that kind of thing as…
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  • You better watch tonight! It looks like Alma is having some trouble dealing...
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  • Doc had to perform an abortion because of Alma's continued bleeding.
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  • Okay, I always thought that Al was sexier than Clinton...I just do!
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  • He looks like a President, dammit! This big, solid guy, with actual gravitas. Who can not only speak in complete…
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  • I shook his hand last week!! It was at a book-signing for INCONVENIENT TRUTH. I said, "I wish you were…
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