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    Say, I couldn't get the link to the Rail mp3 to work - is it just me?
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  • Bring on the Muzak! (TM)
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  •  I think a lot of the time it's hard to comment on breaking news stories if there isn't a lot…
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  • Not okay. Ick.
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  • Reid's sure surprised me - in a good way - anyone who has the, ermm, nads to call Greenspan a…
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  • Aiyeee! On the east side of Lincoln? Okay, so you know Allen's Aquarium, the pet store, on the West side?…
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  • Me - 40-something (I still find that weird), living in Venice CA, San Diego native. Currently entertainment industry bureaucrat (research…
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  • was watching a tape of BOSTON LEGAL - which was, coincidentally, a scathing indictment of the Texas death penalty mill…
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  • Thunder 6 is a really good writer too.
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  • Booman, My perspective is much like yours. I didn't think there was a chance in hell we could stop BushCo…
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  • It's not the lack of pessimism I find depressing - I may not have put it too well - it's…
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  • Pursuant to that goal, check out this thoughtful conservative/liberatarian blog and the discussion on the whole Shiavo mess.... http://www.balloon-juice.com/archives/004859.html
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  • Am I the only one who finds these blogs...depressing? I mean, you have three smart, literate, educated, dedicated, patriotic guys…
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  • Man, let's hope for the best...didn't Jimmy Carter oversee the election in question and pronounce it bogus?
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  • I'm not a Christian, personally, and I don't believe in the death penalty for anyone. I brought up Karla Faye…
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  • Kitty is currently crashed out on her favorite spot under the window, but she had a tiring evening running around…
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  • yes, that's the one...for some reason in blogger you can't seem to link to individual posts in the archives, or…
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  • This is the kind of thing that reaches the limits of my beliefs in cultural relativism and tolerance. It's just…
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  • Hey, we have extra rain in LA - should we send you some????
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  • Can we impeach Bush now? Can we? Please?
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