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    update up on yahoo http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20050418/ap_on_re_mi_ea/us_iraq_activist_killed
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  • fucking hilarious diary, and I STILL haven't even seen DEADWOOD!
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  • Susan, your practical take on this is a breath of fresh air.
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  • I remember reading a story shortly after the US invasion, about the extent to which Baghdad (and Iraq) operate according…
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  • Here's some more: Another big anti-Japanese protest took place in Shanghai, with thousands of riot police looking on as marchers…
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  • I have to say, it's these international diaries that are really setting boo-trib apart from Kos - thanks for an…
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  • Susan, I'd have to go look this stuff up, but the amount of health problems caused by pollution in China…
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  • Here's the latest from Reuters - on Yahoo: "Marla Ruzicka, 27, the founder of the Campaign for Innocent Victims in…
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  • A US convoy being involved could just mean it was in the vicinity. When I've read stories about taking the…
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  • My pleasure, D5, and thanks for reading. I wish I had time to write more about this stuff.
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  • D52, from the sound of things you are in China - whereabouts? I'm going to post verbatim a comment I…
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  • May I call you D5? I do agree with you up to a point, and I think we discussed this…
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  • Well...yeah...absoultely. But it's still a mistake to underestimate the genuine anger that many Chinese (and other Asians) have towards the…
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  • I know I read something about it...I'll have to refresh my memory before commenting. Glad that you have found ESWN…
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  • Wow, that is a really interesting article. I've emailed it to myself to read at length. Thanks for the recommend.
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  • oooooh, robot camel jockeys! cool.....
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  • Susan, Well, the line on the Sino-Japanese war is that it was a real shock to the Chinese, who had…
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  • Susan, I can't tell you if there've been any arrests or not. It's highly likely that the Chinese government has…
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  • I have been calling it the  "Pope-a-thon" - all Pope, all the Time...I think in part it is a creation…
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  • I guess I should clarify here...I think if one was paying attention, it was clear that the Administration was "stove-piping"…
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