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    I didn't say that any form of insult is "OK." I said that not all forms of insult are equivalent.…
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  • Another difference is that stereotypes and insults that are based on race, gender, and sexual preference serve to perpetuate a…
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  • Many people need to "hit bottom" before they do anything to change their behavior. An "I suck" moment may be…
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  • People are motivated toward change in different ways. Some people have to look themselves in the mirror and say, "I…
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  • Here we have a whiny, annoying child who has just expelled a load of shit. And he's holding a crying…
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  • Appalling, which means typical behavior for this overgrown adolescent. It's wrong on so many levels--shocking disrespect for a head of…
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  • But Americans don't, as a rule and as a majority, oppose going to war. Draft or no, Vietnam didn't become…
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  • OK, so you hit 18 and you're drafted. Everybody, no exceptions. But what about the 18-year-olds who are physically and/or…
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  • I think that most people are capable of face-to-face kindness. And that is indeed a good thing. What I wish…
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  • That's OK. It was worth repeating.
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  • Yeep! They've managed to get rid of nearly everyone who isn't a lockstep blinders-wearing humor-impaired party minion, haven't they?
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  • What a great idea, CG! You totally rock. And roll!
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  • The point where I broke down and cried was when she wrote about opening the emails her friend had sent…
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  • I think that your war against DTF, as with any war, is causing a lot of collateral damage.
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  • I see. Then I guess it's lying to make the generalization that BMTers don't love America, isn't it? Because the…
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  • And I'm seeing a lot of knee-jerk negative reaction to anything certain diarists write, without any careful consideration of what…
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  • It was basically identical to the "if you're not with me, you're with the terrorists" crap that's spewed by the…
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  • That's extremely offensive and uncalled for.
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  • Rooster with a law degree? Nah, even more cruel and annoying.
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  • An attack rooster, perhaps?
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