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    Your posts have been giving me belly laughs all day. Thank you.
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  • I don't recall reading anywhere a statement from management as to the specific reasons for Parker's banning. I've only read…
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  • Here's the difference. Neither Shadowthief, nor I, are calling for aloha to be banned. I simply called her on her…
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  • "Democrats are afraid of the revolution." When faced with those who refuse to aim their energy exclusively at the GOP,…
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  • Seeing this as the begining of the string of "potential" bannings seems to only assume that conversation is over. I…
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  • If I understand your point, and I'm not sure I do, you are speaking to issues that are central concerns…
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  • Shame on me?! For what? Pointing out that your statement is ironic? You're becoming abusive, aloha. I really don't appreciate…
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  • Not pleasant being dismissed is it? Having your right to express an opinion questioned. I know I don't care for…
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  • "Bad behavior" is in the eye of the beholder. I read a number of the comments you refer to and…
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  • Aloha, Your priorities are your own and you are welcome to them. That you don't think bannings and purges in…
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  • You really think this will get settled? That's what I call optimism! Unless by "settled" you mean when all this…
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  • Well, hold onto your hat. The boxed set includes Shrek 3D, in which the ghost of Lord Farquaat returns to…
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  • Community is what one makes And that "one" would be Booman I take it? Since he's footing the bills? He…
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  • Is this the time that this blog starts down that path? I'm afraid it is. This is an extraordinary, insightful…
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  • I heard that!
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  • in this site.
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  • And I don't mean that in the Alannis Morisette sense of the word. I think it is a truly bitter…
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  • from DKos, I am able to put this statement and this diary in context. Of course I had to venture…
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  • Self-explanatory? Yes, I guess so. It's not hard to deduce why it was done. Doesn't make it right.
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  • Well color me appalled.
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