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    Moi?? Just warm and friendly thoughts....I've been thinking about calling or emailing now that I'm home from the mountains. Is…
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  • Usually I ask if I'm going to quote from other sites. If I'm just linking to sites that I like,…
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  • I'd be honored to be on your blogroll! I suspect that any fellow Boo Tribbers you want to include would…
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  • I liked the site and it'll be great! The only thing I learned from my blog after 4 months -…
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  • Spoke to DJ tonight and they are doing absolutely wonderful in Portland! The move from redneck nowhere CA to Portland…
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  • So I thought I'd drop in a fresh all night cafe for the crowd tonight....it's cool but not rainy in…
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  • Yep - and I'm selling purchase options for the Golden Gate Bridge!    ;^D SEC / Homeland Security - just…
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  • I'm betting more along the lines of smoke and mirrors. He is still an actor reading lines....and a wait and…
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  • Each time the circle of the year turns...at whatever time we recognize it...there is change in each of us -…
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  • I'll add a link to your site later today on my blogspot...lots of people I know will be interested in…
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  •             W=Wizard Needing my coffee here...another busy day at work... I'll drop by when I…
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  • We'll stand together... Vote: Hell no... Recommended here and there....
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  • I thought my collection and links to pics were good - well Diane and Shirl always wow me! There is…
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  • Your garden plans sound wonderful! I'm still dabbling with lettuce and other simple crops as borders and fillers for my…
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  • For those that haven't been by recently - check out the interesting diaries and photos that Diane101 and Shirlstars post…
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  • Excellent reminder of the true heroes and leaders out there... Thanks jim...recommended here and at DailyKos.
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  • Voting seems to work sometimes.... Okay...trick to 4's.... Click on the rating - 4 - and then click off to…
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  • Leave??? No way....we need all voices....!!
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  • No time for jokes at work today....too many meetings...will drop back with mojo galore!
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  • Feinstein is DINO - but she does hold firm on most issues like pro-choice usually. We do have Sen. Barbara…
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