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    Sleepy time in the suburbs! Have a great night and sleep well here in the Western Hemisphere! Been a long…
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  • I might be inclined to curl up in a pile of fresh laundry like my cat does! Warm laundry is…
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  • Glad Fl Mom had a good time...and having travelled to both Florida area and Seattle area...definitely different countries! When do…
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  • and in one of my favorite cities! I hear Vancouver is the #1 city for livability...and I believe it. I'll…
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  • Getting ready to party - awesome Boran2! I really liked your diary yesterday - I learned more about family and…
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  • Holidays can be lots of fun and family can be cool. We had a great day with family and spoke…
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  • Sleep tight Thanks for the Cafe's today to the Froggybottom crew of AndiF, Kansas, and Katiebird....
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  • Washing faces is so critical after dinner...either that or sticky pillow cases!
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  • Late night for eastern and central times...being kind of awake here in CA....I'm still relaxing! Spouse is watching back to…
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  • Kick Back Lounge is Open
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  • Ate too much at the kids house today...opted for Egg Salad on White Bread tonight!  Why is such a simple…
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  • That is so cool that she got you stuff to settle in! I love the 'Eve Duncan' Iris Johansen series...just…
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  • Borrowed from 'Bronwyn' at another site where I hang out!  I think this crowd will like it... The 12 Days…
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  • They briefly ooh and aahhh over some expensive stuff - but go nuts over the least expensive gift! We got…
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  • No problem....I'll watch for a while... Kids were fun - checking their 'piles of presents'! Fortunately we are meticulous about…
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  • I'll put something together for late night...by 6:30 pst Raining hard and traffic is cranky...glad to be home and off…
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  • A new generation to go hiking and camping and rafting with...and a junior blue dot in the family! Have a…
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  • Hope you and the other Booman are having a great morning! Thank you for giving us this wonderful place to…
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  • Slept until 6 - which is pretty late for me....we leave in about an hour and half for grandkidlets. We'll…
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  • I'll be out until 4 or 5pm or so Pacific...but can take the late night cafes until 10 or 11…
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